— Welcome, I'm Renuka

About me

Hello, Here i am…

Renuka Varier

After graduating in Foods & Nutrition, I pursued naturopathy where I was introduced to the concept of holistic healing and flower essence therapy. With an inner calling of learning this further, I approached Dr.Edward Bach Centre England and learnt Bach Flower Therapy.

I started off by transforming myself, my near ones with an integrated approach of nutrition and flower therapy and gradually increased my spectrum. I have had amazing results with this approach over the past 20years.

I have healed people with emotional issues like Depression Anxiety Panic attacks Burn outs Constant mental chatter Uncontrolled anger.

I have also helped people with Diabetes Obesity PCOS Increased uric acid levels IBS Migraines and other lifestyle disorders with my Holistic Transformation Programs.

 For us to be healthy and happy, the need of the time today is balanced nutrition and balanced emotions.

I am here to help you in your journey to good health and happiness

** Bhakti Shastri is a methodically structured degree course by the ISKCON Board of Examinations. It is a course in spirituality with a focus on the study of scriptures like Bhagwad Gita, Ishpanishad etc. The predominant aim of this course is to enhance the understanding of vedic scriptural knowledge.

I am available for

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Personalized Health Programs

OliveByRenuka strives to assists people in their wellness journey through integrated approaches of nutrition counselling and emotional healing through flower therapy. 

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Emotional Healing

Revolutionize employee engagement through a focus on employee emotional wellness, Analyze the emotions of each participant

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Corporate Wellness

Revolutionize employee engagement through a focus on employee emotional wellness, Analyze the emotions of each participant