— Work with me

Personalized Health Programs

OliveByRenuka strives to assists people in their wellness journey through integrated approaches of nutrition counselling and emotional healing through flower therapy. We also dive down deeper into precision through DNA testing.

We plan the journey with us with a minimum period of 90 days for best results. To begin, we start off with a free exploration a 1:1 call/face to face meeting to know about you. We then suggest the appropriate health program designed as per your health requirement.

We do handhold after the completion of the program, for you to have an easy transition to the new lifestyle thus making it sustainable.

Lifestyle conditions we can help you in

Wellness program we offer

Nutri Health

Our Personalized Nutritional Counseling Program: Empowering Your Journey to Optimal Health

We understand that each person is unique, with distinct nutritional needs, goals, and health concerns. That’s why we design a program specifically tailored to address your individual requirements and set you on the path to 
We will work closely with you to develop a customized plan that considers your health goals, dietary restrictions, and any existing medical conditions. We will also have periodic review sessions to monitor your progress and will make changes in the existing plan accordingly. Whether you aim to manage your weight, or any lifestyle disorder, improve digestion, boost energy levels, or address specific nutritional deficiencies, our program is designed to support you every step of the way.

Throughout your journey, we will provide ongoing guidance, support, and education, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make sustainable and positive changes to your lifestyle. By empowering you with a deeper understanding of nutrition and its impact on your overall well-being, we aim to foster long-term habits that promote a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Take the first step today and experience the difference our Personalized Nutritional Counseling Program, Nutri Health can make in your life. Together, let’s nourish your body, mind, and spirit for a healthier and happier you.

Nutri Health



Getting to the root cause

Pre-consultation – comprehensive health questionnaire review


Detailed history taking covering the physiological, emotional and family aspect

Suggesting the way ahead

A personalised diet plan, & menu suggestions based on your condition, likes, dislikes and culture


Appropriate counselling, to help you in your transition. Answers to any queries, questions or doubts you may have.


Suggestive food choices to help you in case you are travelling and or in restaurants


Periodic Diet review sessions


Wellness journaling and the required training to help you in your journey


Required changes in the existing diet plans and/or new diet plans in the follow up sessions


Regular monitoring of the necessary health parameters

Post program handhold

We help you with a sustainable diet after the program for you to achieve a long-term effect

Continuing the journey

We also have upkeep programs designed for you to enrol post the program. These are special programs for you to keep getting adequate guidance to maintain your health

Holistic Health

Introducing our Holistic Health Program: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Emotions for Total Wellbeing
Welcome to our transformative Holistic Health Program, where we merge the power of
• personalized nutritional counseling and
• profound benefits of emotional healing through flower therapy.
At our core, we understand that true wellness encompasses more than just the physical body. It extends to our emotional and mental states, as they profoundly impact our overall health. That’s why our Holistic Health Program integrates personalized nutritional counseling and the healing properties of customized flower remedies to provide you with a complete and holistic approach to your wellbeing. 
In our Holistic Health Program, we go beyond traditional approaches by integrating personalized nutritional counseling and flower therapy for emotional healing. 

Our experienced team understands that true health encompasses not only physical vitality but also emotional harmony. By addressing both aspects, we offer a complete and well-rounded program that nurtures your overall wellbeing. Through personalized nutritional counseling, we create tailored diet plans and recommendations that align with your specific needs and goals. Our approach considers your individual requirements, health concerns, and dietary preferences, empowering you to make informed choices and establish sustainable habits that support your wellbeing.
In addition to nutritional counseling, our Holistic Health Program incorporates the remarkable healing properties of flower therapy. I personally create customized flower remedies designed specifically for your emotional needs. These personalized remedies help you find emotional balance, release stress, and cultivate a sense of inner harmony and resilience.
By combining personalized nutritional counseling and flower therapy, our program offers a holistic approach that addresses the diverse aspects of your wellbeing. We believe that true wellness involves nurturing the body, mind, and emotions, and our program provides the tools and support you need to achieve that balance.
Experience the transformative power of our Holistic Health Program as you embark on a journey towards optimal wellbeing. Let our personalized nutritional counseling and flower therapy guide you, helping you unlock your full potential and cultivate a vibrant and fulfilling life.
Nourish your body, uplift your emotions, and experience a profound sense of wellbeing.


Holistic Health



Getting to the root cause

Pre-consultation – comprehensive health questionnaire review


Detailed history taking covering the physiological, emotional and family aspect

Suggesting the way ahead

Customized Flower Remedies for your specific emotional disharmony given every 2 weeks, after reviewing your emotional status.


A personalised diet plan, & menu suggestions based on your condition, likes, dislikes and culture


Appropriate counselling, to help you in your transition. Answers to any queries, questions or doubts you may have.


Suggestive food choices to help you in case you are travelling and or in restaurants


Periodic diet review and flower therapy sessions


Wellness journaling and the required training to help you in your journey


Required changes in the existing diet plans and/or new diet plans in the follow up sessions


Regular monitoring of the necessary health parameters

Post program handhold

We help you with a sustainable diet after the program for you to achieve a long-term effect


We equip you with tools and techniques of emotional categorisation and analysis to help you identify the need for healing at an early stage of emotional disharmony

Continuing the journey

We also have upkeep programs designed for you to enrol post the program. These are special programs for you to keep getting adequate guidance to maintain your health

Precision Health

Introducing our Precision Health Program: Unleashing Your Genetic Potential for Optimal Wellbeing
Welcome to our ground-breaking Precision Health Program, where the power of
• personalized nutritional counselling,
• flower therapy for emotional healing, and
• cutting-edge genetic testing converges to create a truly transformative and individualized approach to your wellbeing.
Welcome to our transformative Precision Health Program, where we combine the power of personalized nutritional counseling, flower therapy for emotional healing, and comprehensive genetic testing. This unique program offers an integrated approach to your wellbeing, taking into account not only your current physiological condition but also your genetic makeup and predispositions.

Our Precision Health Program goes beyond conventional approaches by incorporating advanced genetic testing. Through comprehensive genetic analysis, we gain valuable insights into your genotype, nutrigenomic factors, predispositions to lifestyle diseases, and even personality traits. This in-depth understanding allows us to craft a program that is precisely tailored to your individual needs and provides you with a roadmap to optimal health.
Our experienced team of nutritionists will guide you through personalized nutritional counseling, designing diet plans and recommendations that consider your specific genotype and related predispositions. By integrating this genetic information into your nutritional approach, we ensure that your diet supports your unique genetic profile, enhancing your overall wellbeing and promoting long-term health.
In addition to nutritional counseling, our Precision Health Program incorporates flower therapy for emotional healing. I will personally create customized flower remedies that address your emotional needs in alignment with your genetic makeup. This holistic combination promotes emotional balance, resilience, and a sense of wellbeing, enhancing your overall health and quality of life.
With our Precision Health Program, you will receive a truly personalized and comprehensive approach to your wellbeing. By considering your genotype, nutritional needs, emotional landscape, and genetic predispositions, we empower you to make informed choices that optimize your health and contribute to your overall wellbeing.
Invest in your precision health today and embark on a transformative journey toward optimal wellbeing. Experience the power of personalized nutritional counseling, flower therapy for emotional healing, and comprehensive genetic testing in our Precision Health Program.

Precision Health



Getting to the root cause

Pre-consultation – comprehensive health questionnaire review


Detailed history taking covering the physiological, emotional and family aspect


Pre-counselling for genetic testing


DNA testing

Suggesting the way ahead

Personalised Flower Remedies for your specific emotional disharmony given every 2 weeks, after reviewing your emotional status.


A personalised diet plan, & menu suggestions based on your condition, likes, dislikes, culture and your genetic reports


Appropriate counselling, to help you in your transition. Answers to any queries, questions or doubts you may have. Counselling is based on your history and genetic reports


Suggestive food choices to help you in case you are travelling and or in restaurants


Periodic diet review and flower therapy sessions


Wellness journaling and the required training to help you in your journey


Required changes in the existing diet plans and/or new diet plans in the follow up sessions


Regular monitoring of the necessary health parameters

Post program handhold

We help you with a sustainable diet after the program for you to achieve a long-term effect


We equip you with tools and techniques of emotional categorisation and analysis to help you identify the need for healing at an early stage of emotional disharmony


We counsel you based on your genetic reports for you to understand yourself better and take adequate care of yourself in future

Continuing the journey

We also have upkeep programs designed for you to enrol post the program. These are special programs for you to keep getting adequate guidance to maintain your health

Free Discovery Call

Book a FREE discovery call to find out how I can help you in your journey of health, happiness and wellbeing