Embracing a Holistic Approach in Diabetes Management

Nourishing The Body & Mind

Managing diabetes is a lifelong journey that requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. We all will agree that diabetes being a lifestyle disease and while medical treatment plays a vital role, integrating other elements such as nutritional counseling, emotional healing, and lifestyle modifications can significantly enhance overall well-being and glycemic control. Let us see how these holistic approaches can help.

  • Nutritional Counseling for Diabetes Management:

Two key elements of diet in diabetes are caloric control and monitoring. They are not on cutting down on meals or food stuffs. Depending on the sugar levels, likes & dislikes, cultural preferences, lifestyle etc the diet of one diabetic will vary from the other. The diet also needs to be tweaked or changed periodically based on the overall response with respect to not only the sugar levels but also other aspects like co-morbidities, adapting to the diet, sustainability, fluctuations if any in the blood reports etc.  Hence a customised approach to meal planning is the answer.

A qualified nutritionist can create a personalized and balanced meal plan that takes into account your individual nutritional needs, blood sugar control, and weight management goals. They can help you understand the importance of portion control, carbohydrate counting, and choosing low-glycemic index foods to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Nutrition therapy involves not only creating a diet plan but also counselling and  guidance on making healthier food choices. Nutritionist can help you navigate challenges such as dining out, managing cravings, and incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet.


  • Emotional Healing:

Stress being an integral part of our life today, managing stress and balancing our emotions should be an important aspect to be considered.
Chronic stress can negatively impact blood sugar control. When we pass through stressful situations, the blood sugar levels rise as a response to the stress. It is body’s way to prepare itself with energy levels for a fight or flight response if need be. That said, stress increases the insulin resistance making it further difficult to reduce the blood sugar.

Incorporating stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or engaging in hobbies can help reduce stress levels and promote emotional well-being.

Flower therapy is gives amazing results in emotional healing. It is an energy healing therapy that uses water down extracts of flowers to heal our emotions. It was developed by a physician Dr. Edward Bach, who in the course of his practise realised that it is important to treat the person rather than the disease.  They are water down extracts of English wild flowers. Rescue Remedy a combination made by Dr. Bach himself is an excellent remedy to give quick relief from stress and make you feel calm.
However, for chronic and long-standing emotional disharmony, consulting a flower therapist can be of great help. Working with a flower therapist can provide you with a personalized assessment of your emotional state and recommend specific flower extracts to address your unique needs. These essences can be used in conjunction with other diabetes management strategies to promote emotional well-being and enhance overall treatment outcomes.


  • Regular Physical Activity:

Engaging in regular exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, can help improve insulin sensitivity, manage weight, and lower blood sugar levels. A healthcare professional can guide you on appropriate exercise routines and intensity based on your individual health status.

In fact, apart from regular exercise, forming simple daily habits can be of great help in increasing the physical activities. We are in the gym for an hour of the 24 hours. However small habits can increase the physical activity at other times. This is known as NEAT or Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Studies show that small daily  physical activities increase metabolic rate substantially and it is the cumulative impact of a multitude of exothermic actions that culminate in an individual’s daily NEAT**. This will help increasing the insulin sensitivity. For e.g

    • Walking while speaking on the phone
    • Getting up after every 45mins to an hour to walk a few steps
    • Taking up some daily chores in the house like making beds, arranging the dinner table, watering the plants etc


  • Adequate Sleep:

Prioritizing quality sleep is essential for diabetes management. It is important to establish healthy sleep habits, and address sleep disorders, to manage the impact of sleep deprivation on blood sugar control. Flower therapy helps in balancing sleep as well.



Taking a holistic approach to diabetes management empowers individuals to address the condition from multiple angles, supporting overall well-being and glycemic control. By combining nutritional counseling, emotional healing, and lifestyle modifications, individuals can enhance their emotional well-being, improve blood sugar control, and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Seeking guidance from qualified professionals ensures that the holistic approach is personalized, effective, and aligned with individual needs.


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